At nearly 70-years old, Dr. Lee is limiting his practice only to Lecturing at National Medical Conferences. Patients seeking records and new patients may call Plastic Surgeon Steven Miller—Dr. Lee’s Custodian of Records—at 702-938-0190.

STERiGLIDE™ MicroCannula in Henderson, NV

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Could you get cosmetic injectable fillers like Juvéderm & Restylane With ~80% Less Bruising? 

Yes!  With the TSK by Air-Tite STERiGLIDE MicroCannula!

The traditional way cosmetic fillers like Juvéderm are injected is to use a needle to inject into your skin with each stroke. (OUCH!) And each time the needle’s edge is fanned under your skin, it shears tiny blood vessels and tissue, causing swelling and bruising.  Now Dr. Lee just uses a tiny pilot needle to penetrate the skin and slips the Anti-Bruising STERiGLIDE MicroCannula through the pilot hole for Juvéderm and Restylane for maximum comfort, precision, and minimal bruising.

Microcannula review

What Do TOP USA Plastic Surgeons Think…?

“A remarkable advance in the injection of fillers has been the introduction and use of the MicroCannula. Besides the obvious–less likelihood of bruising–the even distribution of the product has enhanced the procedure and led to better results. The Air-Tite STERiGLIDE MicroCannulas are my preference because of (1) their ease of introduction into the entry port, (2) the injection opening being adjacent to the blunt end for greater accuracy of placement and (3) the versatility of the available sizes and lengths.” – Harry A. Glassman, MD, Beverly Hills, California. 

Dr. Lee was privileged to introduce Dr. Glassman to Air-Tite MicroCannulas.

Dr. Glassman has been invited to speak at numerous conferences and appear on a variety of radio and television shows. In addition to his appearances on “Nightline” and “20/20″ to discuss the silicone gel breast implant controversy, he has presented new concepts and techniques in plastic surgery on “Donahue.” Dr. Glassman has been featured in news segments for major networks including NBC and ABC. His “Home Show” series on breast reconstruction following mastectomy has been highly acclaimed. Dr. Glassman is the author of numerous scientific papers and textbook chapters on the correction of facial aging, eyelid surgery, and breast implantation and explanation.

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