At nearly 70-years old, Dr. Lee is limiting his practice only to Lecturing at National Medical Conferences. Patients seeking records and new patients may call Plastic Surgeon Steven Miller—Dr. Lee’s Custodian of Records—at 702-938-0190.

Dysport® in Henderson, NV

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About Dysport

Dr. Lee was selected the Dysport Instructor for physicians and nurses in the State of Nevada for the manufacturer, Galderma, in Las Vegas and Henderson, among the TOP 1% chosen from 700+ Nevada Clinics. Dysport is an injectable wrinkle treatment that works similarly to BOTOX to reduce and soften dynamic lines and wrinkles on the face.  Dynamic wrinkles are visible only with movement and are caused by reiterated facial movements and expressions (like smiling, laughing, and frowning) that appear over several decades.  This causes the overlying skin to have a grooved line that is visible even when your face is relaxed. Dysport is specially created to correct one of the most common dynamic wrinkles:  the vertical lines between the eyebrows known as frown lines.  It temporarily blocks signals to the muscle so the line is smoother, but with natural-looking results that don't make your face look frozen.  Learn more about Dysport wrinkle relaxer injections at Look Younger MD to help you look more youthful.

Ideal Candidates

Dysport is ideal if you are looking for a nonsurgical option to improve moderate to severe vertical frown (glabellar) lines between the eyebrows.  Since dynamic wrinkles and lines are caused by chronic use, they can develop at any age and make you look tired, mad, or sad.  Dysport is a fast, effective treatment which can address dynamic wrinkles and can be adjusted by dose to create a "frozen" face or to only minimally reduce movement for those who want a more natural look.  Since Dysport spreads to treat a cluster of wrinkles, it is also ideal for Crow's feet, the fine lines in the outer corners of the eyes.  Most patients at Look Younger MD see visible improvements in their appearance just a few days after their procedure that on average lasts three to four months.

Procedure Technique

Dysport injections appointments last about 15-20 minutes and are administered in one of our private treatment rooms after your consultation. Topical numbing cream is complimentary even though the injections are made with a fine-gauge needle that causes minimal discomfort, but nitrous oxide (laughing gas) can be requested at Look Younger MD for maximal comfort.  Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed and Dr. Lee is one of the leaders in Nevada who may chose to use the advanced AccuVein System--as an AccuVein Instructor--to painlessly view veins invisible to the naked eye to avoid them when he carefully places tiny injections along your forehead,  frown lines, and Crow's Feet.   The AccuVein, followed by a cold compress, dramatically minimizes swelling and bruising.  After your injections at Look Younger MD, you can resume regular tasks, but you should try to avoid strenuous activities for at least one day.

What to Expect

After a Dysport treatment, you may see mild swelling and redness at and around the injection sites, but this generally will disappear in a few days.  You do not have to sit upright or to move the injected muscles, which was an old protocol taught years ago without validation. Results are commonly seen within a few days as the severity of your dynamic wrinkles is minimized for a smoother, softer appearance. These results typically last for about 3 – 4 months and regularly scheduled treatments at Look Younger MD will maintain your results.

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Relax and Refresh

If you are looking for a nonsurgical option to revitalize your skin by correcting the frown lines between your brows, Dysport injectable wrinkle relaxer is a great choice. You can learn about Dysport and other available procedures during your complimentary meeting with Dr. Garry Lee to get a customized plan that addresses your particular concerns and goals. We invite you to call Look Younger MD to learn more and schedule an appointment.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.